Product support specialist – medical devices Hungarian Praha
Volná místa Praha Volná místa administrativa Praha
Plat: 35000 - 40000 Kč za měsíc
Lokalita pracoviště: Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Vloženo včera
Lokalita pracoviště: Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Vloženo včera
Popis pracovní pozice
We are looking for HUNGARIAN (plus english) speaker who enjoys communication, has empathy and wants to be part of really nice and friendly team!!!Product support specialist – medical devices
Is the official name of the role and our client is respected international company in health care industry. Corona virus didn‘ t stop them, on the contrary, so you don’t have to worry about stability or future. They count on you to stay.
Your main task will be to support (phone, email) not only patients, but also doctors or other medical workers, who might need help, advice, or have request regarding the product – medical devices. You will also be responsible for dealing with issues or problems, including communication with other departments in the company (e.g. technicians). Of course, there is administration part to the job as well.
What is expected from the ideal candidate?
Fluent knowledge of hungarian as well as very good knowledge of english
Previous experience in customer/product support is huge advantage
Very good communication skills
Empathy, being able to talk to sensitive clients
Being able to work flexible hours (7am-8pm, 8hours day)
What will you get in return?
Stability of respected and well establihed health care company
Really friendly and supportive team
Homeoffice option
Using your languages on daily bases
Perspective for the future
Amazing benefit package
Sounds pretty good? Send me your CV and I will be happy to guide you through the process!
Vodičkova 17Praha 1
Česká republika
Kontaktní osoba:
Veronika Shaw
+420 725 843 774
Hledat práci v regionu:
Hledat práci v oboru:
- Administrativa
- Bankovnictví a finanční služby
- Cestovní ruch a hotelnictví
- Dělnické profese
- Ekonomie/ekonomika
- Gastronomie
- Informační technologie
- Kvalita a kontrola jakosti
- Lidské zdroje
- Logistika a doprava
- Management
- Marketing a reklama
- Nákup
- Obchod a prodej
- Ochrana a ostraha
- Ostatní
- Potravinářství
- Právo
- Reality
- Služby
- Státní a veřejná správa
- Stavebnictví
- Strojírenství
- Technika a elektrotechnika
- Telekomunikace
- Tvůrčí práce a design
- Věda a výzkum
- Výroba
- Vzdělávání a školství
- Zdravotnictví
- Zemědělství, lesnictví a vodní hospodářství