Customer success manager with german Praha

Volná místa Praha Volná místa Praha

Inzerát z úřadu práce (29746540794)
Plat: 48000 - 50000 Kč za měsíc
Lokalita pracoviště: Voctářova, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Aktualizováno před 6 měsíci

Společnost FleetCor Czech Republic s.r.o. hledá vhodného kandidáta na pozici Customer success manager with german.

Popis pracovní pozice

Liliia Matiishyn, e-mail:

Role Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the role will include:
" Proactive and reactive contacting selected customers to retain, upsell and/or cross-sell
" Monitoring of customer needs and tenders (potential of upsell and cross-sell)
" Monitoring of customer behavior (transaction amount, area, value, etc.)
" Monitoring of competition, cooperation with the Marketing department
" Internal communication on behalf of the customer to satisfy their requests
" Setting up new offers and products in the system
" Following internal rules during all procedures
" Following the manager´s requests
Contact with the customer
" Daily contact with multiple customers
" Communication channels: phone, email, online meeting tools
" Contact persons: fleet manager, company owner, person responsible for fuel/EV cards, drivers etc.
" Proactively collecting data about fuel/EV card needs, purchase behavior, customer needs/wants etc.
Monitoring of the customer
" Monitoring card usage & transaction habits: what fuels and products, which area (only locally or in the whole country/abroad), use of other products (VAS)
" Monitoring fuel consumption changes: proactive control of decrease and increase of pumping
" Competition and its offers: monitoring of competition (both general and local)
" Volume distribution in the company - among individual fuel/EV cards
" Tools for monitoring of all above: Power BI, public sources, SFDC, etc.
Qualifications & Skills
" German language - level C1/C2 (fully fluent or native) is required
" The knowledge of English language on B2 level OR Czech language on B2 level
" A minimum education level: a high-school diploma or equivalent is required
" A previous working experience in Sales (ideal) or/and Customer Service (welcomed): 0 to 2 years
" User knowledge of MS Office applications
" Good verbal and written communication skills
" Proactive personality, assertivity, and ability to persuade
" Capable of working well under pressure and achieving goals
" Organizational skills
" Strong active listening abilities
" Able to identify and cater to Customer needs.
" Capable of Up- and cross-sell within a range of products and services.

Benefits & Perks
" Opportunity to work in the FinTech industry, and learn about our products
" 5 weeks of vacation, 3 sick days, 2 free days, 2 Global Volunteering days
" Training and further education opportunities: LinkedIn Learning, Disc personality assessment, etc.
" Hybrid working model after completing the probation period: 3 days office, 2 days Home Office
" Base in a modern office in Palmovka, where you will have access to an open roof terrace, relax rooms, kitchens with new coffee machines, and different kinds of tea available
" Fresh fruit is delivered every Tuesday to the office
" Meal allowance sent directly to your bank account: 99 CZK gross per working day
" Flexible benefits system: you will have a monthly budget of 1300 CZK, which you could spend either on an additional retirement contribution, or Multisport card, or as an additional budget on your Pluxee account (former Sodexo)
" Special offer for T-mobile tariff for your personal use
" Special offer for our fueling cards
" Massages in the office - we will cover half of the price!
Gifts for work anniversaries, life jubilees, weddings, and registered partnerships

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FleetCor Czech Republic s.r.o.

Kontaktní osoba:
Liliia Matiishyn