Microarray and Biochip Specialist - Salary: 2000 - 5000 EUR Praha

Volná místa Praha Volná místa potravinářství Praha

Plat: 50000 - 125000 Kč za měsíc
Lokalita pracoviště: Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Aktualizováno před 2 dny

Popis pracovní pozice


Proven expertise with production and analysis of microarrays a microfluidic systems, English on a fluent level, representative manners, loyalty, goal-oriented and mindful spirit, order in workplace, flexiblle mind, capable of inovation and effective work. Regular reporting and presenations of progress to the rest of the team.


Assignement in a young and international research and business team with individual and in teamwork development and production activies together with top research centers in CR and abroad. Bonus system. Increase of salaries based on results and performance. Personal growth via self-expertize, traiining and international stays.

Náplň práce

Development, preparation and analysis of new biochips using a precise robot, development and production of microfluidic solutions for rapid analyses of diffrent biomarkers for medical, veterinary and agricultural diagnostics.

Etimos Human s.r.o.

Žukovského 888/2
Praha 6
Česká republika

Kontaktní osoba:
Michal Tsametis